Your privacy is our priority.
Terato Tech Sdn. Bhd. (Terato) aim to be transparent about how and why we use personal data we collect. This privacy policy explains how we process your personal data. In this privacy policy, the term ‘personal data’ and ‘information’ is used interchangeably.
To further improve your experience on our website. When indicated your preferences through our website, Terato will use this information to personalise the website.
To minimise the risk of unauthorised access to your information, Terato use some of your information to authenticate your identity.
Terato process your information in Malaysia. In certain instance, the information we collect may be processed in, transferred to, and/or stored at, a destination beyond Malaysia in which the local jurisdiction’s data protection laws may not provide reasonable adequate protection.
By providing information through our website, you agree to this processing, transfer and/or storage beyond Malaysia. As continuing compliance process, Terato aim to undertake practicable steps to ensure that information is treated securely and, in accordance with this privacy policy even when your information is processed in, transferred to, and/or stored at, a location beyond Malaysia.
How long we retain?
In the interest of audit trail and future regulatory investigation request for access (whenever applicable), we will keep your information for up to seven years. We will delete your information after that period.
Subject Access Request (SAR)
You can request details of information Terato retains by way of e-mail. Once requested, we will send you an application form; administrative charge for such request; and state clearly the requested personal data you intend to access. Once received, and if the request is reasonable, we endeavour to respond within 14 working days (excluded Gazetted State and Federal Holidays in Malaysia). We may reject the request if it’s vexatious and frivolous. To pursue SAR, you can e-mail with the required heading: SAR, addressed to our Privacy Lead at:
Opt-in and opt-out
When you choose to opt-in or opt-out by way of e-mail, it applies to the information stored about you on Terato website’s database.
Information security
Terato commend you to use complex password, secure password hint, keep the password private and secure and use a secure browser. We also recommend you to frequently change your password more than thrice yearly or once per quarter of the year.